Your Consultation
It is necessary to have a referral from your GP to be seen in the clinic. These can be sent by mail, fax or email as below.
At your consultation a detailed account of your symptoms will be taken, along with a clinical examination of the lungs and heart.

It is extremely helpful if you bring a list of all medications you may be taking at the present time. If you are using inhaled therapy, please bring the inhalers themselves with any spacing device you may use (eg Aerochamber).
Depending upon the symptoms or diagnosis suggested by your GP, a symptom-related questionnaire may be sent out to you prior to the consultation. It is helpful for people with asthma to record peak flows twice daily prior to the consultation.
According to the symptoms mentioned by your GP in the referral letter, a chest xray may be requested prior to the consultation. This may not be needed if you have already undergone a normal chest xray elsewhere.

Breathing tests (spirometry and / or measurement of FENO) are also often performed during the consultation, to measure the capacity of the lungs and health of the airways.
In some cases, further investigations may be recommended, for example a CT scan of the lungs or more detailed breathing tests. If convenient, it may be possible to perform a CT scan immediately after the consultation. Full reports of CT scans are not usually take a couple of days to finalise. Blood tests may also be requested.
The cost of such investigations is usually covered by insurers, for those who have cover (see Tariffs). Some people who are self-funding prefer to be referred back into the NHS in the event that further investigations are required, which may be possible by arrangement with your GP.

Typically a first-time consultation takes approximately 30-45 minutes although this varies according to complexity. Every patient is given the time necessary in order to reach a satisfactory diagnosis. Most people will need 2-3 consultations to assess and investigate a problem and to optimise treatment.
Clinics are held on alternate Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Guildford Nuffield.

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